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Saturday 15 November 2014

Using up those Scraps at CVC

Over at Country View Craft challenges we are using up our scraps today. Lots of inspiration over there a chance to win some blog candy!!!

I began this tag by adding strips of scraps to add texture and interest:
 I then added some distress paints and spritzed with water to let them do their thing. I then added some more scraps,some tissue tape and tissue paper:
More paint - this time gesso and some black distress ink here and there before random stamping of some cracks with black archival:
Not sure you can see too much of the first layer of scraps on this photo but the various images and text, although mostly hidden, provide texture and depth:
I stamped an image and sentiment on some more scraps and cut them out, also adding some remnant rubs:

I hope you like my quick, messy tag! Thanks for visiting.


  1. Gorgeous tag, Nikki. I love the way you've made it.
    Have a great weekend,
    hugs xx

  2. Great ideas for using up scraps to make such a terrific tag.

    Love Chrissie x

  3. Love this,fab colours and

  4. This is great, the scraps really add interest to the background!

    Lucy x

  5. Fabulous Nikki - the background is wonderful and I love the way just the tiniest little piece shows through. Have a lovely weekend x

  6. Brilliant tag Nikki,love the cracked effect,the background is just stunning

    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  7. Fantastic tag Nikki! Love the black and grey palette and that crackle stamp is fantastic! Great use of your scraps!! happy weekend and big hugs :)

  8. Great use of scraps Nikki, you have used them beautifully on this gorgeous tag! Anne x

  9. Loving the black and white effect on this tag.
    Georgie xx

  10. Gorgeous monochrome tag Nikki, with a great background effect.
    Julie x

  11. Excellent idea using scraps this way. Ending up with such an awesome result is nothing less than impressing !!! Thanks a lot for the inspiration.
    Hugs from Monica... Spain

  12. Oh I love this Nikki, fabulous layers and textures xx

  13. Hello NIkki
    A great man Tag, I love your texture, and I know us texture girls cover up much of of layers with gesso, and I often think beginners out there would wonder why we bother with adding the scraps in the first place, now you have told them so that they understand, great tutorial.

  14. Oh, wow - fabulous layers of scraps, and a great masculine tag at the end of it. I love the monochrome look.
    Alison xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki