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Friday 14 November 2014

It almost ended up in the bin.....

Hello everyone and welcome to new followers, I really appreciate your visits and comments.
I have had one those bad crafty weeks where things haven't been working too well and ended up in the bin. This one almost went the same way but I think I have managed to rescue it!
This is how it started:
The stencilling is still visible but the snowflakes and doilies have pretty much disappeared under the tissue tape and painty layers. So not quite what I had planned when I started. 
The background is a mixture of texture paste through the stencil , tissue tape, gesso, brayered fresco paints and distress inks.
My poinsettia is coloured with distress ink, then glossy accents and distress glitter added.

I would like to enter my rescued card into:

Many thanks for visiting today.


  1. Great use of the die cuts and I love the colours you have chosen that are so different from the usual red and green

    Love Chrissie x

  2. This is gorgeous,love the fab design and

  3. This is beautiful Nikki,yep had one of those weeks all last week...I wasted so much cardstock! Can't believe anything you create ever goes in the bin though :)

    Have a great weekend

    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  4. So glad this did not end up in the bin, it is beautiful, I love how you coloured the poinsettia blue, it looks wonderful! Anne xx

  5. This looks lovely Nikki, glad you rescued it.
    Yvonne x

  6. So glad you didn't bin it Nikki, love your background and nice to see a poinsettia in blue.
    Julie x

  7. It looks fantastic Nikki with that beautiful poinsettia! So glad this one did not land in the bin!!

  8. So glad this didn't end up in the garbage, it is fabulous Nikki! I love all of the stencilled patterns in the background and the colours are so country and vintage! Great save!! hugs :)

  9. I love the colour scheme you've chosen and the beautiful poinsettia! Thanks for sharing with us at the MMCC!

  10. Yes - I'd say you saved this card wonderfully Nikki (although it doesn't look at all like it should have hit the bin!!?!) - love the blue on the stenciling - that wonderful caroler die cut and beautiful poinsettia! Thanks so much for sharing it with the Mixed Media Card Challenge!

  11. What a fantastic card, love the design and fabulous background!! Thanks for sharing at MMCC!

  12. Well I'm very glad it didn't end in the bin! Lovely colours right up my street, and the carol singer looks charming against all those delicious layers. Thanks so much for playing along with us at The Artistic Stamper.
    Alison xx

  13. Fabulous recovery! Terrific stenciling and color choices!


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki