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Friday 2 March 2018

Painty Birthday cards

Dina Wakley paints, washi and collage paper - birthday cards my Nikki Acton
For the start of the new Craft Stamper Take It Make it challenge I reached for my Dina Wakley paints and had some fun with paint, stencils, new Dina washi tape and collage paper and various stamps!
Dina Wakley paints, washi and collage paper - birthday cards my Nikki Acton
I think this one is my favourite - love the collage paper and washi faces!
Dina Wakley paints, washi and collage paper - birthday cards my Nikki Acton
The greeting is PaperArtsy.
Dina Wakley paints, washi and collage paper - birthday cards my Nikki Acton
Greeting is by Stampin' Up.
Dina Wakley paints, washi and collage paper - birthday cards my Nikki Acton
I chose my colours to complement those of this fab, quite thick washi tape.
Dina Wakley paints, washi and collage paper - birthday cards my Nikki Acton
Maybe went a bit mad with this one! 
Dina Wakley paints, washi and collage paper - birthday cards my Nikki Acton
More washi and scribbly text collage paper.

Do pop on over to the Take It Make Challenge blog to see lots more inspiration!
And do join in - this months winner will receive two stamp sets from That's Crafty - new stamps by the lovely Donna Gray.


  1. These are absolutely awesome! Love the colours and detail - truly fabulous! xxx

  2. An explosion of colour Nikki, absolutely stunning!! Love them all.... now... do I need those paints?? Hugs, Anne xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki