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Saturday 29 October 2016

All good things come to a (spooky) end......

Today I say goodbye to the Country View Crafts design team! I have been on the team for 2 years which has been fabulous. They must be bored of me by now so time to move on!

My final creation is for the current Spooky theme - I have used Tim Holtz blueprint stamps, layering the skull to create dimension. My background in embossed and sanded kraft core card.
Thanks for stopping by - see you soon.


  1. Great spooky card, Nikki! And good luck for your future works and plans!!! xx

  2. Terrific piece as always Nikki

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. A wonderfully spooky card Nikki, I love the touches of red! They will miss you greatly at CVC I am sure, all the very best in your future crafting adventures... xxx

  4. Great spooky card, nikki! I'm sure they will miss you at CVC,

    Lucy x

  5. Great card Nikki! Good luck in your next crafty adventure...

  6. Great spooky card Nikki and love that image too. Sorry you had to leave CVC and I'm sure they will miss you.
    Fliss xx

  7. Fabulous card Nikki. Sorry to see you go ! Good luck for all your future endeavours !
    Corrie x

  8. Fabulous spooky card Nikki! We will miss you at CVC but I am sure you are moving on to lots of new crafty adventures! Jennie x

  9. Ooh now that is seriously spooky Nikki. I'm sure CVC will miss you but I'm sure we'll see you again in pastures new :)
    Donna xx

  10. Great card Nikki, love the layered skull. They will miss your wonderful art at CVC, good luck with your new endeavors! Deb xo

  11. Brilliantly spooky my friend and we're sure gonna miss you at CVC but wishing you many happy crafty adventures in the future, have fun and enjoy those new opportunities that come along. Huge hugs xxx

  12. Great farewell project x Happy Halloween x

  13. Fabulous card, Nikki! I´ll miss you at CVC, but I´m sure to meet you somewhere in www. again. I wish you all the best! <3 Evelyn

  14. A fab spooky card, Nikki - a lovely farewell, but oh how they will miss you at CVC!
    Alison x

  15. Fab spooky card! Nikki So sorry to hear you are leaving CVC. You will be missed I'm sure . Wishing you all the best in your new ventures x


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki