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Monday 1 February 2016

Textured Background Card

Just a short post today to share a card I have made for the new challenge today at Country View Crafts. Sue has chosen the theme and it's a good one - to make your own background.

My background started with some torn book pages stuck to some card with gesso. Once dry I added some archival ink through a layering stencil followed by some texture paste through a  different stencil. Once dry I used various blue / purple distress paints and a baby wipe to add colour. 
I cut the background piece to size, distressed the edges and added a little more colour to highlight. 
A few flowers and the sentiment completed my card.
This is a great challenge to play along with - so much scope to be creative! Be back at the end of the month with another project for this theme. No idea what it will be yet though!



  1. Ooh, this is so beautiful! I love the soft colour tones and the harlequins over the book text look just gorgeous.
    Alison xx

  2. Beautiful,love the colour used Nikki,very soothing
    Donna xxx

  3. Gorgeous soft colour tones Nikki and a fabulous background. Jennie x

  4. Gorgeous Nikki! I love the soft purple hues, wow, what a gorgeous palette! Perfect theme for you, and you have nailed it of course! hugs :)

  5. Oh so yummy beautiful card with super texture. Thanks bunches for gorgeous inspiration Nikki. j.

  6. This is beautiful, love the colours. Xxx

  7. Fabulous Nikki, stunning background with those soft colours over the harlequin stencil, the book pages add just the perfect interest and the whole card is so beautifully finished, - love it!!

  8. Wow, simply beautiful in every way Nikki.
    Julie x

  9. absolutely adore this Nikki - brilliant! Hugs rachel x

  10. This is so pretty. Lovve the colors and the background techniques. Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs from Monica... Spain

  11. Love this gorgeous background Nikki and although I am not a mauve person the finished card looks absolutely fabulous. xxx

  12. Love the colours you have used Nikki and fabulous texture xxx

  13. Beautiful Nikki, gorgeous colour palette and love the stenciled textured background! Deb xo

  14. Oh Nikki, the colours are yummy, this is really beautiful! Hugs, Anne xx

  15. Gorgeous background loving the colour.



Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki