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Sunday 17 January 2016

Mini Burlap Panels - without the burlap

Hi there!
Today is my turn to share a project for Country View Crafts on the current challenge theme - Be Inspired by Bottles. If you missed my first project you can see it here.
For this one I used a little burlap panel that I had used and didn't like. I removed all the burlap to reveal the wooden structure underneath... this is small just 9cm x 7cm.
As I had removed all the staples the surface was a bit rough so I smoothly added some texture paste..
Once dry I painted it all with gesso and added tissue tape..
At this point I also added a little string on the back to hang it...
I felt my tissue tape was a bit bold so I dry brushed gesso to knock it back a little.. 
I cut a little piece of patterned paper to fit in the centre and added vintage photo ink around the edges of this and the frame itself..
I took one of Tim Holtz glass vials (the tiny one) and added some flowers - they are tiny too, about 8mm diameter. Both were secured with glossy accents.
Thanks for stopping by..
See you next time


  1. Fantastic idea Nikki and thank you for sharing how you made this wonderful project

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Loving your no burlap burlap panel Nikki:) isn't it great when we can just undo and start again with some projects and make them into little gems like this one. Mo x

  3. Gorgeous Nikki and I love the recycled theme too,I've had a look through my pile of creations and have a few that are waiting to be repurposed now ;)
    Donna xxx

  4. Love the simplicity and elegance of this non-burlap-ed burlap panel! Tee Hee! Quite inspiring and so pretty! Love that it is tiny! Hugs!

  5. Gorgeous Nikki, love all the wonderful typography tissue tape around the frame and the paper in the background is perfect to showcase the lovely amber bottle and flowers! Deb xo

  6. A charming little niche for your vase of flowers, Nikki - love the "naked" frame, especially with your lovely tissue tape decor.
    Alison xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki