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Monday 11 May 2015

Sunset in the Cape

Hi everyone. Firstly huge apologies for being absent from blogger for the last couple of weeks and not visiting your blogs. Life has got somewhat chaotic with various things and I have been rushing off my little size 4 feet! I hope to be back to my normal daily blogger routine soon.

Fortunately I was a little ahead with some of my DT makes so here is one today......

This is my second creation for the Country View Crafts challenge blog this month and another scrapbook page from my South Africa trip. You can find the first page here. The theme for the month is Simply Scenic.

I dry brushed gesso onto a coloured 12x12 sheet before adding some mesh and cheese cloth. I did some random stamping and paint spattering too.

I added some sand texture paste and when all was dry added some paint over the various textures.

Still loads of time to play along at Country View Crafts this month!

Thanks for looking


  1. Life does have a habit of.....

    Beautiful page, love the colours and textures, helps to make your picture the focal point. Beautifully done Nikki:--) xxx

  2. This is yummy Nikki with the wonderful texture :)
    I can beat you.....I have size 3 feet and what a pain to find anything to fit!
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  3. Oh do I hear you about life! Between celebrations of birthdays, mini travels, Mother's Day and then a really slow Internet, I have been MIA! Nikki, I love the sunset, but the texture and gorgeous layers behind it are just amazing! Love this!

  4. stunning make Nikki - I hope life gets a little less busy soon xx

  5. This is gorgeous page Nikki! I love that beautiful picture and the layout is perfect. Hope life eases up a little soon, hugs, Georgie xx

  6. This is fabulous Nikki! Just love all that fab texture! Hope you can find some relaxation time for yourself! Chrisx

  7. Beautiful Nikki! I love that you pulled out the yellow from your image to do the background with, just gorgeous! hugs :)

  8. What a gorgeous page with the focus on that lovely photo! Wonderful texture and colors on the background Nikki! Julia xx

  9. This is an amazing layout, Nikki - I adore how the textures create a really weathered, sun-bleached look - the perfect complement to that stunning photo. Hope all is going swimmingly with the shop - can't wait to hear more. I've been as absent as you, so we can just forgive each other, right?!
    Alison xx

  10. Love the scene you have created Nikki, with the wonderful sunset colours!

  11. Love the scene you have created Nikki, with the wonderful sunset colours!

  12. That's a wonderful layout Nikki. You've totally lifted and framed the sunset with the subtle texture and design. Jenny x

  13. Beautiful project Nikki. I love the texture you have achieved with the paste as well as the photo.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki