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Saturday 4 April 2015

Butterflies and flowers

I hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend. Last weekend I went on a craft retreat and had a whole weekend to play! Unfortunately I seem to have lost my mojo a bit at the moment and really wasn't that productive - but I had a lovely time with friends. I am giving myself a little crafting break to recover some ideas (hopefully) and in the meantime I am trying to have a good ruthless sort out in my study / craft area. 

I have a few projects to post from the weekend though and here is the first. When short of ideas I look to others for inspiration and I am a big fan of Pamellia's work. I had this in mind when I started:

You can see the influence without it being a complete copy I hope! 

I have gesso, texture paste, stencilling, embossing powder, inks, stamping and even some glitter on this. 

I would like to enter the following challenges:

Thanks for looking.


  1. This is beautiful Nikki, loving all your textures and a super design. Your craft weekend sounds so much fun and as for Mr Mojo I don't think he has gone anywhere with these results. Love it.
    Julie xx

  2. This is gorgeous,lovely design and

  3. I love your beautiful tag. So beautiful in colours and gorgeous textures.
    Hugs xx

  4. This is stunning with wonderful colours to show off the beautiful things you added to it.

    Hope you enjoy the Easter Weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. This is beautiful and it's not a copy at all, it's very different. I hope your mojo comes back soon, I love your work and enjoy your blog xx

    1. Hi Nikki, Just wanting to say thank you for entering this stunning piece over at Frilly and Funkie xx

  6. Ooh craft retreat sounds wonderful! Stunning card Nikki,love the unusual colours and yes lovely Pamellia is a big inspiration. ;)
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  7. Wow Nikki! I pinned it long before I scrolled down and saw your inspiration (you are so sweet by the way, thank you) ! I LOVE this one! The little sideways tags are such a great bit, and your flower is scrumptious!! Love the doilies, the stencil work, the butterfly, the colours...the entire creation is just a dreamy work of art!! If you ask me, it's you who are the inspiration! Big hugs and Happy Easter!

  8. I could not do better than just repeat what Pamellia has already said! Your card is stunning Nikki! Anne xx

  9. Beautifully layered and the colors are perfection!!

  10. A beautiful project Nikki, the stencils and details all look wonderful. Thank you for joining our first challenge at Stamps and Stencils.
    Yvonne xx

  11. beautiful make Nikki - gorgeous work. Love the colours and the butterfly is fabulous x

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE your tag. Fabulous elements, lovely flower and pretty butterfly. Love all the layers. Gosh you are so very creative and talented.
    Thank you for sharing ..
    Hugs from Monica... Spain

  13. Wonderful card and beautiful composition! Brilliant as always!
    Hugs, Mar

  14. A gorgeous card Nikki, might be a take on Pamellia's, but you have made it your own style.
    Avril xx

  15. Nikki, your butterflies and flowers is gorgeous! I love the colors and all those pretty layers! Gorgeous! Happy Easter!

  16. Mr Mojo hasn't deserted you Nikki, just look at what you have produced, i am sure Pamellia will be so proud of your tag. I know i adore your Tag ;-) xxx

    ps i have taken 5 weeks to clear out my crafting stash and have not done much crafting in the meantime, felt that doing the clear out has made my mojo leave town lol, i do hope it gets back here very soon...

  17. That is gorgeous Nikki, your mojo appears to have returned!!

  18. Amazing, amazing, amazing for someone who has lost their mojo! Sounds like the retreat was a lot of fun in spite of mr. mojo not attending. Color me green with envy. I love your colors, your flower and bow. And the perfect foil to all those rusty colors are the sweet pearl and bead sprays. Thank you for giving the shout out to Pamellia: 1. I completely missed that wonderful post 2. she sure is inspiration to so many of us! Hugs!

  19. Beautiful tag Nikki! Love the design and the neutral colour palette. Thanks for joining us at Stamps and Stencils. Sue C x

  20. Gorgeous butterfly on this Nikki! love the tans and browns and all your wonderful layers!

  21. Gorgeous tag!!! Love the colors and such a great take on your inspiration card by our friend Pamellia :)

  22. Nikki this is just gorgeous , love your restricted colour palette and that subtle hint of bling. Thanks for joining us over at Stamps and Stencils Toni x

  23. This is a true die cut delight Nikki! I love the way you've spritzed and stencilled to get that softer look on this. Thank you so much for joining us at Frilly and Funkie. Jenny x

  24. Mojo or not - this is fabulous! A brilliant choice of colours and super layers! Love it! Chrisx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki