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Saturday 1 November 2014

Country View Crafts - Bugs, Bees and Butterflies

It is a pleasure to be joining the Country View Crafts Challenge and Projects Design team today. Two fabulous blogs and a great online shop (where I spend far too much money!). I am sure you all know them well but here are the links just in case:

The first of the month means a new challenge and it is Bugs, Bees and Butterflies. The winner will receive a £20 shop voucher from our fabulous sponsor, Country View Crafts. The Top 3 entries and our Special mention award ( the most original and creative representation of the theme)  all receive blog badges and a chance to feature as guest designers.

So onto my project. I was recently at my first weekend craft retreat and attended a short class (run by Lorraine Bilsby) where we were creating this reversed canvassed. The original class project was based on Tim Holtz September tag - however I did change mine quite a bit !

Having applied gesso over all the areas of the canvass that were on show I started on the base section. I squirted some alcohol ink onto my craft mat and swooshed my glossy card through it to get a subtle uneven covering. Any gaps were filled in randomly used a felt applicator. The card was cut to slightly bigger than the aperture. I then stamped various stamps in archival ink. Once dry this was carefully bent to fit inside the canvass aperture.

The frame of the canvass (once dry) was covered in some text paper, carefully cutting the corners to fit. I inked with gathered twigs distress ink and stamped the side edges with a crack stamp (sorry no photo).

The sentiment was cut from one of Tim's dies in mirri card and alcohol ink added (sorry not an expert on alcohol inks colours - an orange and a blue). I love this effect on mirri card. Brads were added and smashed a bit to age them. I edged with black archival.

In the class we then set about making rainbow butterflies with alcohol inks as Tim did with his tag. Having done these I really didnt like them so decided to take more mirri card and use the same technique as the label. I stamped various sizes of butterfly, cut them out and edged with black archival.

They are mounted at different heights using coiled wire.

I still felt something was lacking on my canvass so cut some swirls later from grey board and applied some distress paints randomly including antiqued bronze to continue the metallic feel.

Quite a long post for me - thank you for getting this far! I will be back on Monday with my second project for Country View - but the next one is a little simpler!



  1. This is gorgeous,fab design and

  2. This is stunning. I just love the frame with the news print covering and the wonderful quote. Must try something new today--not a clue what :)

    Love Chrissie x

  3. Beautiful project Nikki ! Love the way you've covered the frame and the butterflies look fabulous ! Congrats on your DT place too ! Sue C x

  4. Huge congratulations on joining the CVC Design Team, so well deserved, your work is always so beautiful. Like you, I spend far too much money at CVC too, but it is such fun isn't it! Your reversed canvas is absolutely stunning, I just love the butterfly theme. Anne xx

  5. Really gorgeous project. I love your beautiful work, Nikki.
    Hugs xx

  6. Congratulations Nikki, what exciting news! They are lucky to have such a talented artist on their team! Reversed canvas...genius idea and beautifully created! I just love your butterflies! What a stunning project! big hugs :)

  7. WOW!!! What a way to start your adventures at CVC! Huge congratulations on your new position (so well deserved). I LOVE everything about this masterpiece but the floating butterflies are the just genius! Jenny x

  8. This is really superb. I love all the details, the papers and the butterflies are gorgeous too.


  9. Hello Nikki,
    What a fabulous make, the butterflies create such movement on your piece.

  10. Wow Nikki this is absolutely stunning,the level of details is amazing,love it,one of the best you've done😃
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  11. Hi Nikki, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog:) I love your piece, it's so lovely, great arrangement and colours. A great start as a design team member for CVC xx

  12. A fantastic project Nikki, with super interesting details.

  13. Nikki...thanks so much for the sweet comments you left on my blog. I have not done a lot of visiting other blogs lately either. Congrats on joining Country View Crafts DT. Your piece for them is bee-autiful! :) your art is always so well crafted with wonderful colors, crazy design and a very polished, professional look. I love how you combine elements. <3 Candy

  14. Wow Nikki this is gorgeous, so much to see here and it's all beautiful! xx

  15. I'm so ashamed that I missed this, Nikki - especially since it was your debut at CVC - shockingly remiss of me. I can only plead work and NYC and laptops going away for repairs... but I'm so glad I happened upon it on Pinterest just now... it's a complete work of genius. Beautiful in every detail - bravo!
    Alison xx

  16. What is mirri card, sorry I’m knew to this

  17. Can you explain what a mirri card, I’m sorry I am new to this.

    1. Hi there - it is card where one side has a metallic finish - not sure that it the correct description! If you google it, you will see lots of options. Nikki


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki