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Monday 10 March 2014

Stencils, Textures and Layers

This is a 12 x 9 inch canvass which I prepared with lots of stencils (with embossing paste), material and die cuts to create texture before painting and lots of inking. 
Further stencils, stamping and embellishments to finish .... lots of bits and lots of play!

I would like to enter this into:


  1. I'm so pleased you've chosen to enter this superbly textured and coloured piece with us at Frilly and Funkie. I love all those delicious layers under the clock and the way you've blended the colour over the stencilled embossing. Thanks for joining us at Frilly and Funkie. Jenny x

  2. This is fabulous - I absolutely LOVE the way you have created the stenciling - the colors and textures are really sensational. A really beautiful mixed media piece. So happy you joined in the fun with us over at Frilly and Funkie for our stenciling challenge!


  3. A beautiful mixed media works. The distress is very nice.

  4. Nikki, this is a lovely project! The composition is wonderful and I adore the soft colors and textures. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your canvas with us this week for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Nikki